U.S. citizens and U.S. tax residents (“U.S. Persons”) who reside outside the U.S may have investments or assets that require special reporting or have alternative tax regimes. It is important the U.S. Person or their tax advisor understands these specialized tax rules in order to avoid punitive tax regimes or penalties to properly file the required informational reports. […]
Tag: tax filing
Ensure accurate and timely tax filing with trusted professionals who guide you through the process, maximizing deductions and avoiding penalties.
U.S. Taxation of U.S. Citizens and U.S. Tax Residents Residing Overseas – Foreign Bank Accounts
The government does not annually tax wealth. However, the IRS wants to know about funds U.S. Persons have in foreign bank accounts. There are now two different reporting requirements for foreign bank accounts, the Foreign Bank Account Report (“FBAR”) and the individual reporting requirement under the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (“FATCA”). […]
U.S. Taxation of U.S. Citizens and U.S. Tax Residents Residing Overseas – Mitigation of Double Taxation
There are two methods that a U.S. Person living abroad can use to reduce their U.S. tax liability. The two methods are the Foreign Earned Income Exclusion (“FEIE”) and the Foreign Tax Credit (“FTC”). Even if one of these methods were to eliminate the U.S. Person’s U.S. tax liability, the U.S. Person is still required to file their U.S. tax return if their income exceeds the filing thresholds for the tax year. […]
U.S. Taxation of U.S. Citizens and U.S. Tax Residents Residing Overseas
U.S. citizens and U.S. tax residents (“U.S. Persons”) are taxed in the United States on their worldwide income no matter where in the world they reside. The U.S. taxes based on citizenship, which is different than almost all other countries in the world that tax based on residence.
This often catches U.S. Persons who have never lived in the U.S. or have lived abroad for a number years by surprise. Any U.S. Person living abroad with income for tax year 2023 above the following thresholds must file a U.S. tax return: […]
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Tax Filings for the International Executive
Recently we were transitioning to take over the tax filing for an executive who was a U.S. tax resident because he had a green card but resided outside the U.S. This executive has considerable income and the country that he resided in also taxed at higher rates than the U.S. federal income tax rates. Our review of the executive’s tax return not only found there were informational reporting errors, but that the income of the executive had been over reported by more than $160,000 […]